2 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.0.2 May 11, 2015
0.0.1 Apr 7, 2015

#2 in #ovr

MIT license


rovr: VR headsets in Rust

rovr provides support for orientation and positional tracking plus rendering to VR headsets using the Oculus SDK. It exposes a safe, Rust-native API for working with the Oculus Rift DK2 and other supported headsets.

rovr currently supports version of the Oculus runtime/SDK, on Windows, OS X, and Linux.

rovr's API is functional, but brand new and should be considered unstable. Feedback and PRs welcome.

Build notes

rovr should track stable Rust, and currently builds and runs against the 1.0.0 Beta. rovr dynamically binds to the Oculus runtime, so users of rovr programs will need the Oculus runtime installed.


Idiomatic Rust bindings for the Oculus SDK. Provides access to headset metadata and tracking information, plus helpers for attaching the headset to an OpenGL rendering context.


~17K SLoC