#rocket-web #upload #rocket #multipart #multipart-form #web #form-data

nightly bin+lib rocket_upload

Deal MultiPart Form Data in Rust Rocket web frame, easily upload files to server

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Dec 4, 2019

#15 in #form-data

33 downloads per month

MIT license

169 lines

Deal MultiPart Form Data in Rust Rocket web frame, easily upload files to server.

All code is in lib.rs. main.rs is a good example to see how it work.


use rocket_upload::MultipartDatas;

Then in your handler:

#[post("/upload/<userid>", data = "<data>")]
fn upload(userid: String, content_type: &ContentType, data: MultipartDatas) -> Html<String>
  // to get a param from client
  let mut result=format!("UserID:{}<br>",userid);
  // content_type not used here, just for more informations
  result = format!("{}{:?}<br>",result,content_type);
  // aquire all Form field data
  for t in data.texts {
    result = format!("{}FieldName:{} --- FieldValue:{}<br>",result,t.key,t.value);
  // aquire all files upload 
  for f in data.files {
    result = format!("{}FieldName:{} --- FileName:{} --- StoragePath:{}<br>",
  Html(format!("<html><head></head><body>upload coming...<br>{}</body></html>",result))

The project references the code of Magic Len's https://crates.io/crates/rocket-multipart-form-data


~446K SLoC