#directory #rebuild #ctags #plugin #file #changed #shell

app retag

`A commandline tool and shell plugin that watches for file changes in a directory and incrementally rebuilds your ctags file for the files which have changed

3 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.0.3 Jan 1, 2016
0.0.2 Dec 11, 2015
0.0.1 Dec 11, 2015

#8 in #ctags

26 downloads per month


279 lines

retag.rs Build Status Build status

retag is commandline tool and shell plugin that watches for file changes in a directory and incrementally rebuilds your ctags file for the files which have changed.


To use this tool, Exuberant Ctags must be installed and working.

You can install retag via cargo install retag, or as a ZSH plugin.


To have retag automatically watch your Git projects when you CD into them, you can install this repository as a ZSH plugin.

Otherwise, you can run it from the command line. Use retag --help for more information.

(The ZSH functionality currently requires start-stop-daemon for creating PIDfiles and daemonization. I'm planning to add support for that directly in the Rust code eventually, to remove the need for start-stop-daemon and improve Windows support)


PRs adding support for other shells are highly welcome!


~127K SLoC