#resume #cli #favorite #power #web #css #supercharge

bin+lib resufancy

Supercharge your resume with the power of your favourite web development tools

2 releases

0.1.1 Mar 26, 2019
0.1.0 Mar 25, 2019

#14 in #resume

MIT license

669 lines


Supercharge your resume with the power of your favourite web development tools

CircleCI Docs Crates.io

  1. Installing
  2. Usage

Tired of Word destroying your resume format when you add a word? Want to use something more powerful than Google Docs? Love (or at least sometimes love) CSS? Resufancy helps you format your resume with the web development tools you use day-to-day!




brew cask install wkhtmltopdf

Resufancy requires the wkhtmltox libraries, which currently seem to be omitted by some package managers. Some older downloads still contain these.

Check scripts/install-wkhtmltox.sh for reference.

Using cargo

  1. Install cargo, e.g., by installing Rust:
  2. Run cargo install resufancy

Note: To run resufancy directly, please make sure to add the cargo installation path (e.g., ${HOME}/.cargo/bin) to your $PATH. Otherwise, you can run cargo resufancy to use the CLI.

Using a pre-built binary

Grab the latest version from the Releases.


  1. Initialize your resume from one of the templates:
    resufancy init --template <template>
  2. Set a watcher for fast recompilation as you edit:
    resufancy build --watch
  3. Edit resume.pug and style.css to your heart's content
  4. Use resume.pdf in your applications
  5. Get your dream job! 🎉


~190K SLoC