#advent #configuration #helper #port #directory #aoc-helper

nightly raoc

RAoC - Rust Advent of Code, port of aoc_helper

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Nov 28, 2023

#626 in Configuration

MIT license


RAoC - Rust Advent of Code helper library

An oxidation of aoc_helper.


RAoC is both a library and a binary. The binary can be used to control the configuration for the library (instead of modifying the configuration directory directly).

RAoC shares its configuration directory with aoc_helper; so if you have one working, the other should too.


This project aims to be compliant with the Advent of Code Automation Guidelines. Here are the strategies it uses:


(lifted straight from the documentation of aoc_helper)

When you first use any function that interfaces with Advent of Code, you will be prompted to enter your session token.

Your session token is stored as a HTTPOnly cookie. This means there is no way of extracting it with JavaScript, you either must use a browser extension such as EditThisCookie, or follow this guide

This token is stored in ~/.config/aoc_helper/token.txt (C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\.config\aoc_helper\token.txt on Windows), and other aoc_helper data is stored in this folder (such as your input and submission caches).

If, for whatever reason, you feel the need to clear your caches, you can do so by deleting the relevant folders in aoc_helper's configuration folder.


~300K SLoC