#automatic-differentiation #gradient #differentiation #automatic #machine-learning


Radient is a Rust library designed for automatic differentiation. It leverages the power of computational graphs to perform forward and backward passes for gradient calculations.

2 unstable releases

0.2.0 Nov 9, 2023
0.1.0 Nov 7, 2023

#270 in Machine learning


720 lines


Radient is a Rust library designed for automatic differentiation. It leverages the power of computational graphs to perform forward and backward passes for gradient calculations.


  • Implementation of computational graphs.
  • Forward and backward propagation for gradient computation.
  • Support for various operations like exponential, logarithmic, power, and trigonometric functions.


Example 1: Basic Operations with Symbols

use radient::prelude::*;

// Example with symbol : ln(x + y) * tanh(x - y)^2
fn main() {
    let mut graph = Graph::default();

    let x = graph.var(2.0);
    let y = graph.var(1.0);
    let x_sym = Expr::Symbol(x);
    let y_sym = Expr::Symbol(y);
    let expr_sym = (&x_sym + &y_sym).ln() * (&x_sym - &y_sym).tanh().powi(2);


    let result = graph.forward();
    println!("Result: {}", result);

    let gradient_x = graph.get_gradient(x);
    println!("Gradient x: {}", gradient_x);

Example 2: Obtain gradient of a function

For gradient, you have two options:

  1. gradient: Concise but relatively slow (but not too much)
  2. gradient_cached: Fast but little bit verbose

2.1: gradient

use radient::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    let value = vec![2f64, 1f64];
    // No cached gradient - concise but relatively slow
    let (result, gradient) = gradient(f, &value);
    println!("result: {}, gradient: {:?}", result, gradient);

fn f(x_vec: &[Expr]) -> Expr {
    let x = &x_vec[0];
    let y = &x_vec[1];

    (x.powi(2) + y.powi(2)).sqrt()

2.2: gradient_cached

use radient::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // Compile the graph
    let mut graph = Graph::default();
    let symbols = graph.get_symbols();
    let expr = f(&symbols);

    // Compute
    let value = vec![2f64, 1f64];
    let (result, grads) = gradient_cached(&mut graph, &value);

    println!("result: {}, gradient: {:?}", result, grads);

fn f(x_vec: &[Expr]) -> Expr {
    let x = &x_vec[0];
    let y = &x_vec[1];

    (x.powi(2) + y.powi(2)).sqrt()

Getting Started

To use Radient in your project, add the following to your Cargo.toml:

radient = "0.2"

Then, add the following code in your Rust file:

use radient::*;


Radient is licensed under the Apache2.0 or MIT license - see the LICENSE-APACHE & LICENSE-MIT file for details.


~33K SLoC