Cargo Features

qsv = { version = "0.128.0", default-features = false, features = ["distrib_features", "all_features", "apply", "fetch", "foreach", "geocode", "luau", "python", "to", "to_parquet", "lite", "datapusher_plus", "polars", "feature_capable", "nightly", "jemallocator", "mimalloc"] }
default = mimalloc

The mimalloc feature is set by default whenever qsv is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

distrib_features all_features? = apply, feature_capable, fetch, foreach, geocode, luau, polars, python, to, to_parquet
all_features = distrib_features, self_update
apply distrib_features? = censor, cpc, data-encoding, eudex, gender_guesser, hashbrown, qsv_currency, strsim, thousands, titlecase, vader_sentiment, whatlang

Affects cmd::apply

fetch distrib_features? = cached, console, flate2, governor, hashbrown, jql-runner, redis, serde_stacker, serde_urlencoded, simple-expand-tilde

Affects cmd::fetch, cmd::fetchpost

foreach distrib_features?

Affects cmd::foreach

geocode distrib_features? = anyhow, cached, geosuggest-core, geosuggest-utils, phf, simple-expand-tilde

Affects cmd::geocode

luau distrib_features? = mlua, sanitize-filename, simple-expand-tilde

Affects cmd::luau

python distrib_features? = pyo3

Affects cmd::python

to distrib_features? = csvs_convert

Affects cmd::to

to_parquet distrib_features?

Enables parquet of csvs_convert


Affects cmd::behead, cmd::cat, cmd::enumerate, cmd::explode, cmd::extsort, cmd::fill, cmd::fixlengths, cmd::flatten, cmd::fmt, cmd::join, cmd::jsonl, cmd::partition, cmd::schema, cmd::split, cmd::table, cmd::tojsonl, util::prep_progress, util::finish_progress, util::condense, util::FilenameTemplate

Required by the qsvlite binary

datapusher_plus = self_update

Affects cmd::applydp

Required by the qsvdp binary

polars distrib_features? nightly? = polars-ops, smartstring

Enables polars

Affects count::polars_count_input, cmd::joinp, cmd::sqlp

feature_capable distrib_features?

Affects cmd::apply, cmd::behead, cmd::cat, cmd::enumerate, cmd::explode, cmd::extsort, cmd::fetch, cmd::fetchpost, cmd::fill, cmd::fixlengths, cmd::flatten, cmd::fmt, cmd::geocode, cmd::join, cmd::jsonl, cmd::partition, util::prep_progress, util::finish_progress, util::condense, util::FilenameTemplate

Required by the binary


Enables nightly of hashbrown, nightly and simd of polars, unstable of regex and nightly of pyo3 and rand


Optimizes PyObject to Vec conversion and so on.

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

anyhow geocode?
cached fetch? geocode?
censor apply?
console fetch?
cpc apply?
csvs_convert to? to_parquet?
data-encoding apply?
eudex apply?
flate2 fetch?
gender_guesser apply?
geosuggest-core geocode?
geosuggest-utils geocode?
governor fetch?
hashbrown apply? fetch? nightly?
jemallocator implicit feature

Enables jemallocator


A Rust allocator backed by jemalloc

jql-runner fetch?
mimalloc default
mlua luau?
phf geocode?
polars-ops polars?
pyo3 nightly? python?
qsv_currency apply?
redis fetch?
sanitize-filename luau?
self_update all_features? datapusher_plus?

Affects util::qsv_check_for_update

serde_stacker fetch?
serde_urlencoded fetch?
simple-expand-tilde fetch? geocode? luau?
smartstring polars?
strsim apply?
thousands apply?
titlecase apply?
vader_sentiment apply?
whatlang apply?