5 releases

0.0.5 Apr 23, 2021
0.0.4 Jan 23, 2021
0.0.3 Jan 3, 2021
0.0.2 Jan 3, 2021
0.0.1 Jan 3, 2021

#38 in #sled


416 lines

prost-sled: An integration layer between prost and sled

prost-sled makes it easy to use sled to store structure data (protobufs) encoded using prost. It just abstracts away the boilerplate of having to encode and decode them.


prost-sled provides a wrapper around sled::Db: ProtoDb. This provides methods of the same name as those on sled::Db except they work using structs that implement prost::Message (the trait used by prost for protobuf messages).

The From and Into traits are implemented both ways between sled::Db and ProtoDb so it's really easy to convert between the two as needed.


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~78K SLoC