#bit #rustc #isn-t #time #proc-macro #nicer #programming

nightly macro politeness-macro-impl

Isn't it time to be a bit nicer to rustc? (proc macro)

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Mar 10, 2022

#4 in #nicer

21 downloads per month
Used in politeness-macro

MIT license

84 lines


Aren't we all too rude to computers? Isn't it time to bring a bit more politeness into our programming? Shouldn't we be a bit nicer to rustc?

Well, now we can be! Introducing polite!, the macro that makes you say please.

Using polite! is simple, simply put valid Rust code into a polite block and watch it not compile because it's too rude. To get your code to compile again, just say please! Inserting please into your code will get rustc to compile it again, but don't do it too much or it's gonna think you're too polite!


I'm the same person that did this. What do you mean why.

Code example

use politeness_macro::polite;

fn main() {
    polite! {
        // println!("hello, world"); // DOES NOT COMPILE
        please println!("hello, world"); // does compile!

No runtime deps