1 unstable release

0.0.1 May 7, 2024

#5 in #pkl

Download history 119/week @ 2024-05-04 7/week @ 2024-05-11

126 downloads per month

MIT license

870 lines


A configuraion-as-code system developed by Apple (see the pkl website)



pkl is Apple's open source Configuration-as-Code language designed to build programmable, scalable and safe configurations for large projects.

This is a rust binding for the pkl language based on the Go implementation currently in HEAVY DEVELOPMENT. This crate is not yet ready for use


We define the message passing system used to communicate with the pkl server using the rmp_serde library, for which we thank the developers, to communicate with a spawned pkl server in a subprocess. Communication with the server occurs through message passing, however there are a few bugs to work out...


~153K SLoC