Cargo Features

origin = { version = "0.18.5", default-features = false, features = ["std", "rustc-dep-of-std", "origin-program", "origin-thread", "origin-signal", "origin-start", "external-start", "atomic-dbg-logger", "env_logger", "max_level_off", "alloc", "thread", "signal", "param", "init-fini-arrays", "init-array", "fini-array", "experimental-relocate", "unstable-errno", "libc", "errno"] }
default = errno, init-fini-arrays, libc, log, std, thread

These default features are set whenever origin is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

std default = alloc

Enables std of bitflags and rustix


This enables use of std. Disabling this enables #![no_std], and requires Rust 1.64 or newer.


Enables rustc-std-workspace-alloc, rustc-dep-of-std of bitflags and compiler_builtins

Enable "no-f16-f128" for now, to work around lack of support on some targets.

and rustc-std-workspace-core

Special dependencies used in rustc-dep-of-std mode.

and rustc-dep-of-std of linux-raw-sys ^0.4.9, rustix, rustix-futex-sync, unwinding, and optional libc


Enable this when disabling origin's implementations.

origin-program external-start? origin-start? origin-thread?

Use origin's implementation of program startup and shutdown.

Enables runtime and use-explicitly-provided-auxv of rustix

origin-thread = memoffset, origin-program

Use origin's implementation of thread startup and shutdown.

To use threads, it's also necessary to enable the "thread" feature.


Use origin's implementation of signal handle registrtion.

To use threads, it's also necessary to enable the "signal" feature.

Enables runtime of rustix

origin-start = origin-program

Use origin's _start definition.

external-start = origin-program

Don't use origin's _start definition, but export a start function which is meant to be run very early in program startup and passed a pointer to the initial stack. Don't enable this when enabling "origin-start".

Affects program::start

atomic-dbg-logger = init-fini-arrays

The loggers depend on a .init_array entry to initialize themselves, and env_logger needs it so that c-scape can initialize environment variables and make RUST_LOG available.

Enables log of atomic-dbg

Enable atomic-dbg's simple logger. This doesn't require std.

env_logger = init-fini-arrays

Enables env_logger

Optional logging backends for use with "origin-program". You can use any external logger, but using these features allows origin to initialize the logger before origin_main, so that you can see the log messages emitted before origin_main is called.

Enable env_logger; eg. recognizing RUST_LOG=trace. This requires std.


Disable logging.

Enables max_level_off of log

alloc std = smallvec

Enable features which depend on the Rust global allocator, such as functions that return owned strings or Vecs.

Enables alloc of rustix

Affects program::at_exit, linux_raw::at_exit

thread default unstable-errno? = param, rustix-futex-sync

Enable support for threads.

Enables mm, process, runtime and thread of rustix

Affects origin::thread


Enable support for signal handlers.

Enables runtime of rustix

Affects origin::signal

param thread

Enable support for rustix::param.

Enables param of rustix

init-fini-arrays default atomic-dbg-logger? env_logger? = fini-array, init-array

Enable support for ELF .init_array and .fini_array.

init-array init-fini-arrays

Enable support for ELF .init_array.

fini-array init-fini-arrays

Enable support for ELF .fini_array.


Enable highly experimental support for performing startup-time relocations,
needed to support statically-linked PIE executables.

Enables mm and runtime of rustix

unstable-errno = thread

Enable unstable support for storing C errno values in the TLS header. This will likely be removed in the future and only exists to make it easier to possibly integrate a dynamic linker written in C in the near future before until a dynamic linker is written in Rust.

Affects libc::errno_location, linux_raw::errno_location

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

memoffset origin-thread?
log default max_level_off?
rustix-futex-sync rustc-dep-of-std? thread
smallvec alloc?
atomic-dbg atomic-dbg-logger?
libc default
errno default