#etw #open-telemetry #metrics #metrics-exporter #windows-event #logging


OpenTelemetry metrics exporter to ETW (Event Tracing for Windows)

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Feb 29, 2024

#430 in Debugging


137 lines

OpenTelemetry — An observability framework for cloud-native software.

OpenTelemetry ETW Exporter

Crates.io: opentelemetry-etw-metrics

This crate contains OpenTelemetry metrics exporter to ETW (Event Tracing for Windows), a Windows solution for efficient tracing of kernel or application-defined events, similar to user-events on Linux. ETW events can be consumed in real-time or from a log file.

ETW events created with this crate can be generated and collected on Windows Vista or later.

This ETW exporter enables applications to use OpenTelemetry APIs to capture telemetry events and write to the ETW subsystem. From ETWs, the events can be captured by agents running locally and listening for specific ETW events.

Viewing ETW Logs

ETW logs can be viewed numerous ways, including through the use of (traceview)https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/devtest/traceview and (tracelog)https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/devtest/tracelog + (tracefmt)https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/devtest/tracefmt. Traceview provides a GUI while tracelog is geared towards command line usage.


After downloading traceview, its GUI can be spawned by invoking traceview.exe. A new session can be created via File -> Create New Log Session and then specifying a method for obtaining the control GUID. This crate currently writes traces with a GUID of EDC24920-E004-40F6-A8E1-0E6E48F39D84 so choosing the Manually Entered Control GUID or Hashed Name option and entering EDC24920-E004-40F6-A8E1-0E6E48F39D84 will correctly capture events.


As a command line utility, a tracelog session can be run using the following commands:

  • tracelog -start MyTraceSession -f MyTraceFile.etl -guid #EDC24920-E004-40F6-A8E1-0E6E48F39D84
  • tracelog -stop MyTraceSession
  • tracefmt -o MyTraceFile.txt MyTraceFile.etl
  • notepad MyTraceFile.txt


~284K SLoC