1 unstable release

0.0.1 Dec 31, 2023

#20 in #netcode


64 lines

Nevy: Streamlined Networking for Bevy Game Engine 🌐

Introduction 📢

Nevy is an advanced networking framework designed for the Bevy game engine. It combines Bevy's simplicity with robust networking capabilities, making it an ideal choice for developers building interconnected gaming experiences.

Key Features 🌟

Bundle-Based Architecture 📦

  • Elegant Grouping 🧩: Utilizes NetBundle to encapsulate networked entities, providing a clean and organized approach to manage game states and behaviors.

Flexible Synchronization ⚙️

  • Controlled Sync 🔄: Offers precise control over the synchronization of each entity's state, ensuring efficient and consistent multiplayer experiences.

Custom Entity Messages 💌

  • Tailored Communication 💬: Supports custom entity messages, enabling a flexible framework for specific network communication needs.

Optimized Performance 🚀

  • Efficient Updates ⏩: Nevy enhances performance by batching updates per archetype, significantly reducing overhead and improving overall game responsiveness.

Getting Started 🚀

Here's a simple example to get you started with Nevy:

pub struct PlayerBundle {
    name: Name,
    role: Role

fn test(mut cmds: Commands) {
    cmds.spawn_networked::<PlayerBundle>(ServerPlayerBundle {
        name: Name::new("Blah"),
        role: Role::User


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