#mdbook #cjk #line-break #space #fix #chinese #block

bin+lib mdbook-fix-cjk-spacing

mdbook preprocess that fixes CJK line breaks

2 releases

0.1.1 Jul 20, 2020
0.1.0 Jul 20, 2020

#1123 in Text processing

36 downloads per month

MIT license

302 lines

Github Actions Crates.io

mdbook will render extra space of continuous lines with CJK characters.


will result in

.....中文结尾 中文顶格...
             `- note the space here

This preprocessor will fix that.


  1. Download the binary from the release page and put it in your PATH.
    • Alternatively, build from source: cargo install mdbook-fix-cjk-spacing
  2. Add the following config to your book.toml
    command = "mdbook-fix-cjk-spacing"
  3. Done

How does it work?

This preprocessor will work on AST of the markdown file:

  1. It will use pulldown-cmark to parse the markdown file.
  2. When encounter a SoftBreak token, it will search before and after for a Text token.
  3. The SoftBreak is omitted when the previous text ends with CJK and next text starts with CJK character.

The binary has a "raw" mode for showing the processed output:

cat markdown.md | md-fix-cjk-spacing raw

The problem

In markdown, if we write several lines continuously, it will be parsed as a whole block:

line 1
line 2
line 3

// will be parsed as

<p>line 1
line 2
line 3</p>

That means line breaks are kept and all the three lines are treated as a whole paragraph.

However, the browser will convert the line break in a <p> into a single space, so when we see the previous content in a browser, it will look like:

line 1 line 2 line 3

That is OK except when we use Chinese. There is no concept of space in Chinese, so when we write:


// will show as

中文第一行 中文接上行
//        `- not the space here

It is really frustrating! So there are two major solutions:

  1. Fixing the markdown parsing code to treat it correctly.
  2. Write the whole paragraph in a long line.

The first option is actually not so practical. This 'bug' exist for so long and still not fixed. The second will be so boring and un-friendly.

So here comes our solution with mdbook: Write a preprocessor to merge Chinese lines automatically before parsing!

The use case

Only the following situation are dealt with:

...<chinese character>[should contains no spaces]
[zero or more spaces|tab]<chinese character>


// are modified to
//           `- note no space here

Note that the content in code block will not be changed.


~325K SLoC