11 releases (5 breaking)

Uses old Rust 2015

0.5.0 Dec 3, 2016
0.4.0 Oct 30, 2016
0.3.0 Sep 27, 2016
0.2.2 Aug 17, 2016
0.0.6 Jan 31, 2016

#1088 in Text processing

50 downloads per month


475 lines

maud-pulldown-cmark downloads-badge release-badge license-badge

This library implements an adapter to allow rendering markdown strings inside a maud macro using pulldown-cmark efficiently.

This library requires nightly rust to run the tests as they use the maud_macros plugin.



extern crate maud;
extern crate maud_pulldown_cmark;

use maud_pulldown_cmark::Markdown;

fn main() {
    let markdown = "
1. A list
2. With some
3. Values";

    let buffer = html! {
        div {

    println!("{}", buffer.into_string());

extern crate maud;
extern crate maud_pulldown_cmark;
extern crate pulldown_cmark;

use maud_pulldown_cmark::Markdown;
use pulldown_cmark::{Parser, Event};

fn main() {
    let markdown = "
1. A list
2. With some
3. <span>Inline html</span>";

    let events = Parser::new(markdown).map(|ev| match ev {
        // Escape inline html
        Event::Html(html) | Event::InlineHtml(html) => Event::Text(html),
        _ => ev,

    let buffer = html!(
        div {

    println!("{}", buffer.into_string());


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~18K SLoC