#module #macro #aid #collection #locenv

macro locenv-macros

A collection of macros to aid on module development for locenv

8 releases (breaking)

0.7.0 Aug 18, 2022
0.6.1 Jul 21, 2022
0.5.0 Jul 16, 2022
0.4.0 Jul 16, 2022
0.1.0 Jul 7, 2022

#1521 in Procedural macros

35 downloads per month

MIT license


Module Development Library for Rust

This is a Rust library to aid on module development for locenv.

Crate Version
locenv Crates.io
locenv-macros Crates.io

Develop a locenv module with Rust

First create a new public repository on GitHub. Currently locenv only support installing a module from public repository on GitHub. Then clone the repository to your computer and change a directory to it. Initialize a new library project e.g.:

cargo init --lib

You need to add the following crates to your project:

  • locenv contains safe wrapper around locenv APIs.
  • locenv-macros contains useful macros to build the module.

locenv required a module to be a dynamic library. Add crate-type = ["cdylib"] to the section lib inside Cargo.toml. e.g.:

name = "yourmodule"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

crate-type = ["cdylib"]

locenv = "0.7"
locenv-macros = "0.7"

Please note that your module might be loaded by multiple Lua VMs so take this into consideration when working with any global states.

Sample module

// src/lib.rs
use locenv::api::LuaState;
use locenv::{Context, FunctionEntry, upvalue_index};
use locenv_macros::loader;
use std::os::raw::c_int;

const MODULE_FUNCTIONS: [FunctionEntry; 1] = [FunctionEntry {
    name: "myfunction",
    function: Some(myfunction),

extern "C" fn myfunction(lua: *mut LuaState) -> c_int {
    // We can access the context here because we make it as the upvalue for this function in the loader.
    let context = Context::from_lua(lua, upvalue_index(1));


extern "C" fn loader(lua: *mut LuaState) -> c_int {
    // More information about 'loader': https://www.lua.org/manual/5.4/manual.html#6.3
    // The loader data is locenv::Context.
    locenv::create_table(lua, 0, MODULE_FUNCTIONS.len() as _);
    locenv::push_value(lua, 2); // Push a loader data as upvalue for all functions in MODULE_FUNCTIONS.
    locenv::set_functions(lua, &MODULE_FUNCTIONS, 1);

    // Return a function table that we just created on above.

We recommend the Lua official manual for a quick reference. For more detailed we recommend this online book. Please note that locenv does not support Lua coroutine due to it does not play well with Rust.

Create module definition

# locenv-module.yml
name: yourmodule

Fields other than name will be automatically populate for you if you use GitHub Actions to publish your release as in the next section.

Setup GitHub Actions to publish the module

# .github/workflows/cd.yml
name: CD
    - '*'
    name: Build
        os: [ubuntu-20.04, macos-11, windows-2022]
        - os: ubuntu-20.04
          binary: target/release/libyourmodule.so
          artifact: amd64-linux
        - os: macos-11
          binary: target/release/libyourmodule.dylib
          artifact: amd64-darwin
        - os: windows-2022
          binary: target/release/yourmodule.dll
          artifact: amd64-win32
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
    - name: Checkout source
      uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - name: Build
      run: cargo build -r
    - name: Upload module binary
      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
        name: ${{ matrix.artifact }}
        path: ${{ matrix.binary }}
    name: Release
    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
      contents: write
    needs: build
    - name: Checkout source
      uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - name: Download Linux binary
      uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
        name: amd64-linux
        path: amd64-linux
    - name: Download macOS binary
      uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
        name: amd64-darwin
        path: amd64-darwin
    - name: Download Windows binary
      uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
        name: amd64-win32
        path: amd64-win32
    - name: Prepare package content
      run: |
        mkdir -pv package
        mv -v amd64-linux/libyourmodule.so package/amd64-linux.so
        mv -v amd64-darwin/libyourmodule.dylib package/amd64-darwin.dylib
        mv -v amd64-win32/yourmodule.dll package/amd64-win32.dll
    - name: Transform module definition
      run: |
        require 'yaml'

        mod = YAML.load_file('locenv-module.yml')
        mod['version'] = Integer(ENV['GITHUB_REF_NAME'])
        mod['program'] = {
          'linux' => {
            'amd64' => 'amd64-linux.so'
          'darwin' => {
            'amd64' => 'amd64-darwin.dylib'
          'win32' => {
            'amd64' => 'amd64-win32.dll'

        File.open('package/locenv-module.yml', 'w') { |f| f.write mod.to_yaml.gsub("---\n", '') }
      shell: ruby {0}
    - name: Create package
      run: zip -r ../package.zip *
      working-directory: package
    - name: Create release
      uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
        files: package.zip

Each time you push a new tag, which tag name required to be a non-negative number (e.g. 0, 1, 2 and so on); it will create a release for you automatically.

Install your module

locenv mod install github:user/repository

Using your module

Here is the example how to use your module from build script:

# locenv-service.yml
  build: |
    local foo = require 'yourmodule'





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