#key-value-store #store #rest #sqlite #key-value #host-name

bin+lib litekv

LiteKV is a tiny key-value store with a simple REST API backed by SQLite

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Aug 5, 2021

#7 in #host-name

MIT license

335 lines


LiteKV   Version  

LiteKV is a tiny key-value store with a simple REST API backed by SQLite.

Usage: litekv [--host <host>] [--port <port>] [--db <db>] [--readonly]

A tiny key-value store with a simple REST API backed by SQLite.

  --host            host name or address for which LiteKV is listening
  --port            port on which LiteKV is listening
  --db              path to the database file
  --readonly        whether or not the data store should be readonly
  --help            display usage information


~1M SLoC