#text #suffix-array #nlp #lexicon #target #matching

app lexmatch

This is a simple lexicon matching tool that, given a lexicon of words or phrases, identifies all matches in a given target text. Uses suffix arrays.

2 unstable releases

0.2.0 Feb 6, 2024
0.1.0 Sep 21, 2021

#731 in Text processing

34 downloads per month


163 lines


This is a simple lexicon matching tool that, given a lexicon of words or phrases, identifies all matches in a given target text. It can be used compute a frequency list for a lexicon, on a target corpus.

The implementation uses suffix arrays. The text must be plain-text UTF-8 and is limited to 2^32 bytes (about 4GB). The offsets outputted will be UTF-8 byte positions.


You can build and install the latest stable release using Rust's package manager:

cargo install lexmatch

or if you want the development version after cloning this repository:

cargo install --path .

No cargo/rust on your system yet? Do sudo apt install cargo on Debian/ubuntu based systems, brew install rust on mac, or use rustup.


See lexmatch --help.

Simple example:

$ lexmatch --lexicon lexicon.lst --text corpus.txt

The lexicon must be plain-text UTF-8 containing one entry per line, an entry need not be a single word and is not constrained in length.

Instead of a lexicon you can also provide the patterns to query on the command line using --query. For verbose output, add --verbose. This produces TSV (tab seperated values) output that you can easily import in for example the STAM tools:

$ lexmatch --verbose --query test --text /tmp/test.txt
Reading text...
Building suffix array (this may take a while)...
Text	BeginUtf8Offset	EndUtf8Offset
test	53	57
test	11	15

