1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jul 23, 2020

#1458 in Game dev

25 downloads per month

MIT license

726 lines

Fork-join multitasking for Legion ECS

Instead of hand-rolling state machines to sequence the effects of various ECS systems, spawn tasks as entities and declare explicit temporal dependencies between them.

Code Example: making task graphs and dispatching task runners

use legion::prelude::*;
use legion_task::*;

struct SaySomething(&'static str);
impl<'a> TaskComponent<'a> for SaySomething {
    type Data = ();
    fn run(&mut self, data: &mut Self::Data) -> bool {
        println!("{}", self.0);

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct PushValue {
    value: usize,

impl<'a> TaskComponent<'a> for PushValue {
    type Data = Vec<usize>;
    fn run(&mut self, data: &mut Self::Data) -> bool {

fn make_static_task_graph(cmd: &mut CommandBuffer) {
    // Any component that implements TaskComponent can be spawned.
    let task_graph: TaskGraph = seq!(
            @PushValue { value: 1 },
            @PushValue { value: 2 },
            @PushValue { value: 3 }
    task_graph.assemble(OnCompletion::Delete, cmd);

fn make_dynamic_task_graph(cmd: &mut CommandBuffer) {
    let first: TaskGraph = task!(@SaySomething("hello"));
    let mut middle: TaskGraph = empty_graph!();
    for i in 0..10 {
        middle = fork!(middle, @PushValue { value: i });
    let last: TaskGraph = task!(@SaySomething("goodbye"));
    let task_graph: TaskGraph = seq!(first, middle, last);
    task_graph.assemble(OnCompletion::Delete, cmd);

fn build_say_something_task_runner_system() -> Box<dyn Schedulable> {
        .build(|_, mut world, _, task_query| {
            run_tasks(&mut world, &mut (), task_query)

fn build_push_value_task_runner_system() -> Box<dyn Schedulable> {
        .build(|_, mut world, value, task_query| {
            run_tasks(&mut world, &mut **value, task_query)

fn make_schedule() -> Schedule {


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