lambda_http is used at run time in 22 crates (of which 5 optionally). It's used only as a dev dependency in 2 crates.

Number of dependers lambda_http version Downloads/month
5 0.11.1 18K
2 0.9.3 9.5K
8 0.8.3 73K
1 0.6.2 500
3 0.5.2 410
5 0.1.1 170
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) lambda_http version
16K axum-aws-lambda ^0.11
1.2K 3 vercel_runtime ^0.8.1
3.1K 3 aws-smithy-http-server optional ^0.8.0
250 lambda-router ^0.11.1
140 aws-smithy-http-server-python ^0.8.0
130 poem-lambda ^0.11.0
htsget-lambda ^0.8
discord_interaction ^0.8.1
lambda_web_adapter ^0.9.1
vicuna ^0.1.1
actix_lambda ^0.1.1
550 lambda_utils optional ^0.11.1
warp_lambda ^0.5
http-service-lambda ^0.1.1
rocket_lamb ^0.1.1
steel-plate ^0.6.0
clova-webhook-service ^0.1
moontime ^0.9.2
420 httpz optional ^0.8.1
210 metrics_cloudwatch_embedded optional ^0.11
tower-fault-injector dev ^0.5
tower-fault dev ^0.5