#kraken #bitcoin #cli-tool #cli

app kraken-price

A cli tool to query Kraken for the latest btc-usd price

1 unstable release

0.2.0 Apr 13, 2019

#28 in #kraken

CC0 license

64 lines


A Rust cli tool to query Kraken's current btc-usd price, with doge added as a bonus. Other coins beware.

Quick start

kraken-price btc
kraken-price doge
kraken-price --help

Compile the binaries yourself

Kraken-price is written in Rust, so you'll need to grab a Rust installation in order to compile it. Once you have Rust installed on your computer, you can easily use the tool by compiling the binaries yourself like so;

  1. clone this repository locally;
  2. enter the repo;
  3. use cargo build --release;
  4. move the compiled binary in your PATH (for MacOS and Linux, the default directory for those binaries would be usr/local/bin);
  5. run using kraken-price in your command line, or rename the file your preferred command if you wish to use a different one.
git clone https://github.com/thunder-B/kraken-price
cd kraken-price
cargo build --release
cd ./target/release/bin/
cp ./kraken-price /usr/local/bin/    # MacOS and Linux

# test it out!
kraken-price dentacoin

Download the binaries from crates.io

The binary crate is also released on crates.io, which means you can install it directly from cargo (note that the binaries will then be built in release mode and put into your ~/.cargo/bin/ directory);

cargo install kraken-price

Download the binaries from Github

The zipped binaries for all 3 main operating systems are also downloadable from the releases page of the project's github repository.


~148K SLoC