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#2707 in Magic Beans

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MIT/Apache and LGPL-3.0-only


kaspa-wasm WASM32 bindings for Kaspa

github crates.io docs.rs license

Rusty-Kaspa WASM32 bindings offer direct integration of Rust code and Rusty-Kaspa codebase within JavaScript environments such as Node.js and Web Browsers.


Please note that while WASM directly binds JavaScript and Rust resources, their names on JavaScript side are different from their name in Rust as they conform to the 'camelCase' convention in JavaScript and to the 'snake_case' convention in Rust.


The APIs are currently separated into the following groups:

  • Transaction API — Bindings for primitives related to transactions.
  • RPC APIRPC interface bindings for the Kaspa node using WebSocket (wRPC) connections.
  • Wallet API — API for async core wallet processing tasks.

Using RPC

There are multiple ways to use RPC:

  • Control over WebSocket-framed JSON-RPC protocol (you have to manually handle serialization)
  • Use RpcClient class that handles the connectivity automatically and provides RPC interfaces in a form of async function calls.

NODEJS: To use WASM RPC client in the Node.js environment, you need to introduce a W3C WebSocket object before loading the WASM32 library. You can use any Node.js module that exposes a W3C-compatible WebSocket implementation. Two of such modules are WebSocket (provides a custom implementation) and isomorphic-ws (built on top of the ws WebSocket module).

Loading in a Web App

        <script type="module">
            import * as kaspa_wasm from './kaspa/kaspa-wasm.js';
            (async () => {
                const kaspa = await kaspa_wasm.default('./kaspa/kaspa-wasm_bg.wasm');
                // ...

Loading in a Node.js App

// W3C WebSocket module shim
// this is provided by NPM `kaspa` module and is only needed
// if you are building WASM libraries for NodeJS from source
// globalThis.WebSocket = require('websocket').w3cwebsocket;

let {RpcClient,Encoding,initConsolePanicHook} = require('./kaspa-rpc');

// enabling console panic hooks allows WASM to print panic details to console
// initConsolePanicHook();
// enabling browser panic hooks will create a full-page DIV with panic details
// this is useful for mobile devices where console is not available
// initBrowserPanicHook();

// if port is not specified, it will use the default port for the specified network
const rpc = new RpcClient("", Encoding.Borsh, "testnet-10");

(async () => {
    try {
        await rpc.connect();
        let info = await rpc.getInfo();
    } finally {
        await rpc.disconnect();

For more details, please follow the integrating with Kaspa guide.


~1M SLoC