5 releases

0.2.1 Feb 19, 2022
0.2.0 Feb 19, 2022
0.1.2 Jan 22, 2022
0.1.1 Jan 19, 2022
0.1.0 Jan 19, 2022

#9 in #identify

28 downloads per month
Used in statix

MIT license

1.5K SLoC


Identify if an IP is a Tor exit node, for Rust.


cargo install istor #You can install as cli tool
#Or as crate
#In your Cargo.toml
istor = "0.1.0"

CLI usage

istor --ip <IP> [options]


--connect -> Connect to the tor online list of nodes instead of using hardcoded values. Requires internet connection --quiet -> Do not display version + author info. Useful if a programm is going to read the output


istor::istor::get_nodes() -> String
istor::istor::get_nodes_realtime() -> String
istor::istor::istor(ip: String, connect: bool) -> bool

If you set connect to true, the api might take longer to respond, as it will have to connect to https://check.torproject.org/torbulkexitlist to get the up-to-date exit node list. Usually the hardcoded list will be up-to-date, but always check for new releases!

use istor::istor;

fn main(){
    //=> String with hardcoded list of nodes
    //=> Will check the official up-to-date Tor Project list and print the String
    println!(istor::istor("", false));
    //=> Will check if this IP is in the hardcoded list; true
    println!(istor::istor("", true));
    //=> Will check if the Ip is in the online list; also true


# Wallets to which you can donate :)

  BTC = "3NC14JNuzdLkxJTdNa6bnFXaYzMKMc1Uwt"
  ETH = "0xc41c0f847d58121f552c683e454ddafeb415f25e"
  XMR = "875smxvwbP64MFZnHrHwHcGahoEB4a5ARGCBidr95LqL4GEPiB4T8J74UB5TzrXK3wbTZ1iidfYoV37KZq1vqWCQSNztDAF"  


~73K SLoC