#skim #fuzzy #tui #terminal #cli #command-line

app ippsec

An interactive tool to navigate https://ippsec.rocks/ videos

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jan 7, 2022

#6 in #skim

21 downloads per month

MIT license

103 lines


An interactive cli to fuzzy find through Ippsec Videos, with the help of Skim, and open the selected videos in your browser.


Use cargo install to install it:

$ cargo install ippsec


To use it, just launch it at the command line:

$ ippsec

A Skim menu is created, listing every Ippsec videos, loaded from Ippsec Data. You can narrow down the results by using Skim search syntax.


Once your selection is made (see Key Bindings section), type Enter, the selected videos are opened in your default browser.

Key Bindings

Key Action
Enter Open selected videos url
ESC/Ctrl-G Abort
Ctrl-P/Up Move cursor up
Ctrl-N/Down Move cursor Down
TAB Toggle selection and move down
Shift-TAB Toggle selection and move up
Alt-Z De-select All


~456K SLoC