Cargo Features

hateoas = { version = "2.0.0-alpha.3", default-features = false, features = ["axum", "actix", "web-framework-support", "http"] }
default = actix, axum

These default features are set whenever hateoas is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

axum default = http, web-framework-support

Enables actix-http, axum ^0.6.1, and simple_serde ^1.0.0-rc1

Affects frameworks::axum

actix default = web-framework-support

Enables actix-web, futures-core, and simple_serde ^1.0.0-rc1

Affects frameworks::actix

web-framework-support actix axum

Affects frameworks::payload_control

http axum

Enables http ^0.2.8