#extractor #extract #store #file #locally #s3

app email-extractor

A file extractor to extract files out of email files and store them locally

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jan 13, 2020

#33 in #locally

24 downloads per month

GPL-3.0 license

88 lines

Email Files Extractor

An extractor to extract files from MHTML or Email files which is stored in Amazon S3 and store the files inside a specified path.

How to run the binary

  1. Build the code
    cargo build --release
  1. After build is triggered a binary file will be created inside ./target/release/email-extractor, now set the environment variables for AWS configuration. Run in terminal.
    export bucket_name=[BUCKET_NAME]
    export region=[REGION]
    export access_key=[YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY]
    export secret_key=[YOUR_AWS_SECRET_KEY]
  1. To run this binary, it accepts a parameter and a flag
    ./target/release/email-extractor [ID] -o [PATH]


~599K SLoC