#pinyin #chinese #zhuyin #cedict


utility to manipulate the cedict dictionary and pinyin

2 releases

0.1.1 Jan 25, 2024
0.1.0 Nov 26, 2023

#605 in Text processing


607 lines

Nomnom 🥘

Nado - CLI

Just a small util tool to convert the cedict_ts.u8 into a JSON or CSV file. Additionals features are:

  • Add pinyin with accent based on these rules
  • Add HSK level character based fetched on mandarinbean. The HSK7-9 level is parsed from a different website by wohok
  • Add zhuyin support based on this conversion rules link
  • Add wade-giles support based on this conversion rules link


Clone this project and run one of the cargo command below. If needed I could provided the generate json & csv file.


cargo run -- generate -e ../cedict_ts.u8 -o ../cedict.json -f json


cargo run -- generate -e ../cedict_ts.u8 -o ../cedict.csv -f csv

Dodo - Lib

A small crates is available which provided a list of utility method to interact with the cedict and doing some pinyin conversion. Below is how you can use the crate to load the cedict

use dodo_zh;
use dodo_zh::KeyVariant;

fn main() {
    // The KeyVariant can either be Traditional or Simplified chinese
    let cedict = dodo_zh::load_cedict_dictionary(path, KeyVariant::Traditional).unwrap();
    let wo = cedict.items.get("").unwrap();

    // will return an Item struct

A set of example exist which can helps you to see how to do some pinyin manipulation. Namely convert the pinyin with tone number to a pinyin with tone marker etc...

You can run the example with the following command

cargo run --example pinyin


~73K SLoC