#tags #data #gui #music #discogs #automatic

app discogstaggerrs

Tool to tag your audio library using data from Discogs

1 unstable release

0.1.2 Dec 13, 2020

#7 in #discogs

MIT license

817 lines

Discogs Tagger


Simple Rust + Webview app to automatically tag your music collection using data from Discogs.


How to use

  1. Create account on https://discogs.com

  2. Go to https://www.discogs.com/settings/developers and click Generate personal token and copy it.

  3. Download latest version in releases tab (or compile using the instructions below).

  4. Select music folder, paste token, check tags you wanna overwrite and press start!

  5. Tagging might take a long time due to Discogs rate limiting. (~20 tracks / minute)


Install Rust: https://rustup.rs/

(Optional) Generate HTML, requires NodeJS:

npm i -g inline-assets
cd src/assets
inline-assets --htmlmin --cssmin --jsmin index.html dist.html


cargo build --release

Then you can also strip (Linux/Mac only) and compress the binary:

strip discogstaggerrs
upx -9 discogstaggerrs


BasCurtiz - Request, idea, tester, trailer.
Trailer: https://youtu.be/rl5y6NteWk4
Strictness comparison: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1s13-tgcEAF1sete1nBYj9S9eDY1BiZqhcXWevt47s4w/edit?usp=sharing


If you wish to support me you can donate at paypal.me/marekkon5


~385K SLoC