1 unstable release

0.2.1 Jan 18, 2022

#12 in #unit-system

23 downloads per month

MIT license

285 lines


This collection of crates are used to set up type-safe measurements.

This will allow for storing values like distance or mass, as well as preventing adding grams to feet.

The intent is for these values to be kept in-memory as Mass or Length, without having to worry about the unit except for creation of the value, and when accessing it (for display, storage, etc).


This is still a Work-In-Progress. Expect rough-edges, but I am working to smooth them out.

Stored Crates

  1. dims_core: The unit and system creation traits. You only need this if you wish to generate your own units, systems, etc
  2. dims: Pre-generated units, covering the gambit of the most commonly used us and si units (and some less common, like Hogshead).
  3. dims_macro: Macros for ease of use generating units. A simple macro (si_unit) to create a full SI system ranging from yotta to yocto is also included

Other Notes


There is no measurable impact on release performance compared to the stored value (from what my very basic tests can show). The Measure struct is [repr(transparent)], so everything but the value itself is optimized away. Debug mode code does have a hit to performance, however.


  • More units
  • More systems
  • More documentation
  • Tests for US units
  • macro to generate SI units from just the base unit
  • Generic storage type (allowing any numeric type)
  • Compound units more generic (EX: Mass/Volume for Density)


~34K SLoC