#smart-contracts #cosmwasm #module #contract #bindings #node #cudos


Bindings for CosmWasm contracts to call into custom modules of Cudos Node

7 releases

0.0.7 May 3, 2022
0.0.6 Mar 28, 2022
0.0.4 Feb 21, 2022

#108 in #cosmwasm

32 downloads per month


474 lines

Cudos bindings for CosmWasm

This crate provides the custom bindings that are used to communicate with the custom modules on the Cudos network from a CosmWasm smart contract. Currently only the NFT module bindings are exposed.


Add the crate to your smart contract's' Cargo.toml

cudos-cosmwasm = { version = "0.0.4" }

Exposed bindings

This crate, as of now, exports binding only for the NFT module. In the future, more custom binding will be added. All the commands from the NFT Module are available and callable from a smart contract.

Creating Messages

NOTE: The Cudos bindings do not cover messages that have already been implemented by the CosmWasm team, such as staking-related messages and fundamental ones like MsgSend. ​ You may want your contract to perform messages such as IssueDenom and MintNft operations at the end of its execution. To do this, create a message using the predefined functions: ​

  • create_issue_denom_msg
  • create_mint_nft_msg
  • create_edit_nft_msg
  • create_transfer_nft_msg
  • create_transfer_denom_msg
  • create_burn_nft_msg
  • create_approve_nft_msg
  • create_approve_all_msg
  • create_revoke_msg

And add it to your response, like below ​

use cosmwasm_std::CosmosMsg;
use cudos_cosmwasm::{create_mint_nft_msg};...pub fn execute_msg_mint_nft(
    _deps: DepsMut,
    _env: Env,
    _info: MessageInfo,
    denom_id: String,
    name: String,
    uri: String,
    data: String,
    sender: String,
    recipient: String,
) -> StdResult<Response<CudosMsg>> {
    let msg = create_mint_nft_msg(denom_id, name, uri, data, sender, recipient);



​ In order to use the query functions enabled by the bindings, create a CudosQuerier instance within your contract logic -- in either init() or query() entrypoints. You can access all the enabled queries through this object. ​

// src/contract.rs
use cudos_cosmwasm::{ CudosQuerier, DenomResponse, Denom};...pub fn query_denom_by_id(deps: Deps, denom_id: String) -> StdResult<DenomResponse> {
    let querier = CudosQuerier::new(&deps.querier);
    let res: DenomResponse = querier.query_denom_by_id(denom_id)?;



Please consult the example smart contract in /contracts/tester - there you can see an example how to issue a transaction or make a query from the smart contract to the custom module. You can upload it and interact with it ( and through it - with the cudos chain) with the following steps

cudos-noded tx wasm store $clonedDir/bindings_tester.wasm --from=<address> --chain-id=<chain-id> --gas=auto -y
cudos-noded tx wasm instantiate $CODE $INIT --from=<address> --label="tester" --chain-id=<chain-id> --gas=auto -y
TESTER=$(cudos-noded query wasm list-contract-by-code $CODE --output json | jq -r '.contracts[-1]')
echo $TESTER

# NOTE: sender field in the queries should be the address of your contract, in this case - $TESTER
# issueDenom
# NOTE: schema is optional field
    "issue_denom_msg": {
        "id": "testdenom",
        "name": "TESTDENOM",
        "symbol": "testSymbol",
        "schema": "testschema"
cudos-noded tx wasm execute $TESTER $issueDenomQuery --from=<address> --chain-id=<chain-id> --gas=auto -y 

# mint a NFT
# put the desired recipient address in the json below. Only denom_id, name and recipient are mandatory fields.
    "mint_nft_msg": {
        "denom_id": "testdenom",
        "name": "",
        "uri": "",
        "data": "",
        "recipient": ""
cudos-noded tx wasm execute $TESTER $mintNft --from=<address> --chain-id=<chain-id> --gas=auto -y 

# edit a NFT
# NOTE: only denomId and tokenId are mandatory. You can provide some or all of the other optional fields
    "edit_nft_msg": {
        "denom_id": "testdenom",
        "token_id": "1",
        "name": "",
        "uri": ""
cudos-noded tx wasm execute $TESTER $editNft --from=<address> --chain-id=<chain-id> --gas=auto -y 

# transfer a NFT
# put the desired addresses in from and to fields in the json below
    "transfer_nft_msg": {
        "denom_id": "testdenom",
        "token_id": "1",
        "from": "",
        "to": ""
cudos-noded tx wasm execute $TESTER $transferNft --from=<address> --chain-id=<chain-id> --gas=auto -y 

# transfer a NFT collection
# put the desired recipient adress in to field in the json below
    "transfer_denom_msg": {
        "denom_id": "testdenom",
        "to": ""
cudos-noded tx wasm execute $TESTER $transferDenom --from=<address> --chain-id=<chain-id> --gas=auto -y 

# add approved address for a NFT
    "approve_nft_msg": {
        "denom_id": "testdenom",
        "token_id": "1",
        "approved_address": ""
cudos-noded tx wasm execute $TESTER $addApprovedAddress --from=<address> --chain-id=<chain-id> --gas=auto -y 

# add approve all for an address. PLEASE NOTE the lack of quotes around the boolean.
    "approve_all_msg": {
        "approved_operator": "",
        "approved": true
cudos-noded tx wasm execute $TESTER $addApproveAll --from=<address> --chain-id=<chain-id> --gas=auto -y 

# revoke approval for a NFT
    "revoke_approval_msg": {
        "denom_id": "testdenom",
        "token_id": "1",
        "address_to_revoke": ""
cudos-noded tx wasm execute $TESTER $revokeNFT --from=<address> --chain-id=<chain-id> --gas=auto -y 

# burn nft
    "burn_nft_msg": {
        "denom_id": "testdenom",
        "token_id": "1"

cudos-noded tx wasm execute $TESTER $burnNft --from=<address> --chain-id=<chain-id> --gas=auto -y 

# query a denom by ID
    "query_denom_by_id": {
        "denom_id": "testdenom"
cudos-noded query wasm contract-state smart $TESTER $denomByIdQuery --output json

# query a denom by Name
    "query_denom_by_name": {
        "denom_name": "TESTDENOM"               
cudos-noded query wasm contract-state smart $TESTER $denomByNameQuery --output json

# query a denom by Symbol
    "query_denom_by_symbol": {
        "denom_symbol": "testSymbol"               
cudos-noded query wasm contract-state smart $TESTER $denomBySymbolQuery --output json

# query all denoms
    "query_denoms": {}
cudos-noded query wasm contract-state smart $TESTER $denomsQuery --output json

# query all NFTs related with a given denom
    "query_collection": {
        "denom_id": "testdenom"
cudos-noded query wasm contract-state smart $TESTER $collectionQuery --output json

# query the total count of minted NFTs from a given denom
    "query_supply": {
        "denom_id": "testdenom"
cudos-noded query wasm contract-state smart $TESTER $supplyQuery --output json

# query the NFTs owned by the given address from the given denom
# denom_id is mandatory field. If not provided, returns all NFTs from all denoms owned by the address
    "query_owner": {
        "address": "",
        "denom_id": "testdenom"
cudos-noded query wasm contract-state smart $TESTER $ownerQuery --output json

# query for a NFT
    "query_token": {
        "denom_id": "testdenom",
        "token_id": "1"
cudos-noded query wasm contract-state smart $TESTER $nftQuery --output json

# query for the approved addresses associated with the given token of the denom
    "query_approvals": {
        "denom_id": "testdenom",
        "token_id": "1"
cudos-noded query wasm contract-state smart $TESTER $approvalsQuery --output json

# Query if an address is an authorized operator for another address
    "query_approved_for_all": {
        "owner_address": "",
        "operator_address": ""
cudos-noded query wasm contract-state smart $TESTER $approvedForAllQuery --output json


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