1 stable release

Uses old Rust 2015

5.4.0 Oct 19, 2018

#3 in #ctr

23 downloads per month
Used in ctre

Custom license

1.5K SLoC

Contains (static library, 6MB) lib/athena/libCTRE_PhoenixCCI.a

CTRE Phoenix CCI bindings for Rust

This crate contains FFI bindings for the CTRE Phoenix CCI libraries.

This project is not affiliated with nor endorsed by Cross the Road Electronics.

Was this auto-generated?

The following command was used to bindgen the initial CCI bindings:

bindgen --disable-name-namespacing --rustified-enum '.*' --whitelist-type 'ctre::phoenix::.*' --whitelist-function 'c_.*' wrapper.hpp -- -std=c++11 -I $PHOENIX_ROOT/libraries/driver/include


Phoenix Software License Agreement.
