4 releases

0.2.2 Apr 1, 2019
0.2.1 Mar 30, 2019
0.2.0 Mar 30, 2019
0.1.0 Mar 29, 2019

#6 in #cryptonote


551 lines

Cryptography Primitives For CryptoNote Based Crypto Currencies



  1. Cryptonote Chacha8 functions.

a. Generate ChachaKey

use cryptonote_crypto::chacha::{ChachaKey};
let key = ChachaKey::generate(String::from(""));
let key = ChachaKey::generate(String::from("your password"));

b. Generate Chacha

    let iv = ChachaIV::new();
    let chacha = Chacha::new(key, iv);

c. Cipher a plaintext

    let plain = *b"hello world!";
    let cipher = chacha.encrypt(&plain[..]);
    let cipher1 = chacha.encrypt(&cipher[..]);
    assert!(plain == cipher1.as_slice());
  1. Slow Hash

use cryptonote_crypto::hash;
// Version 6
let a = b"hello world!";
let hash = hash::cn_slow_hash(&a[0..], hash::HashVersion::Version6);

// Version 7
// a must be a byte_string with more than 64 bytes long
let a = byte_string::string_to_u8_array("0707cff699d605f7eb4dbdcad3a38b462b52e9b8ecdf06fb4c95bc5b058a177f84d327f27db739430000000363862429fb90c0fc35fcb9f760c484c8532ee5f2a7cbea4e769d44cd12a7f201");
let hash = hash::cn_slow_hash(&a[0..], hash::HashVersion::Version7);
  1. Fast Hash
use cryptonote_crypto::hash;
let a = b"hello world!";
let hash = hash::cn_fast_hash(&a[0..]);


~60K SLoC