#crawler #data #download #programmatic #client #market #decompression

app crawler_data_client

client for programmatic download of crawler data

1 unstable release

0.0.9 Sep 8, 2022
0.0.8 Aug 29, 2022

#406 in Compression

Download history 26/week @ 2024-02-25 1/week @ 2024-03-03 63/week @ 2024-03-31

63 downloads per month

MIT license

291 lines

Crawler Data Client

This is a cli tool to help automate the market data distribution process.


First make sure rust is installed on the system with rustup.

Then install the cli using:

cargo install crawler_data_client

In order to decompress the files, you also need to have a working installation of the zstd package.


crawler_data_client --address <ADDRESS> --username <USERNAME> --password <PASSWORD> --crawler-type <CRAWLER_TYPE> --exchange <EXCHANGE> --market <MARKET> --symbol <SYMBOL> --month <MONTH> --output <OUTPUT>

    -h, --help (display help text)
    -a, --address <ADDRESS>   ----------   (ftp server address, eg Usually the port is 21)
    -u, --username <USERNAME>   --------   (your ftp login username)
    -p, --password <PASSWORD>   --------   (your ftp login password)
    -c, --crawler-type <CRAWLER_TYPE>      (options: trades, l2_events, l2_topk, bbo, funding_rate, ticker (raw only))
    -e, --exchange <EXCHANGE>   --------   (options: binance, ftx, bybit)
    -m, --market <MARKET>   ------------   (options: spot, linear_swap, inverse_swap)
    -s, --symbol <SYMBOL>   ------------   (eg. BTCUSDT)
    -o, --output <OUTPUT>   ------------   (the local download destination folder, eg ~/Downloads/crawler-data)
        --month <MONTH>   --------------   (optional. the year-month in ISO, eg 2022-08. required if not using --latest-day or --latest-month)
        --day <DAY>   ------------------   (optional. the day of the month, eg. 07. if not provided, will download whole month. this needs to be ISO, so days less than 10 need a zero in front)
        --keep-compressed   ------------   (optional. if set, the data will be kept compressed as zst. default is to decompress the file for usage)
        --raw   ------------------------   (optional. download the raw data instead of parsed)
        --latest-day   -----------------   (optional. download the latest day, ie the previous utc day at time of download)
        --latest-month   ---------------   (optional. download the latest whole month, ie the month that the previous utc day is in)


~221K SLoC