#stream #cord #message #codec #defines #envelope #wire


This is an internal crate for the Cord Project that provides message transmission and comparison functionality

3 releases (breaking)

0.3.0 Jan 9, 2022
0.2.0 Apr 7, 2020
0.1.0 Mar 30, 2020

#10 in #envelope

Used in 2 crates

MPL-2.0 license

437 lines

Cord Message

CI Code Testing and Linting CI Security Audit on Push

Cord Message is an internal crate for the Cord Project. For more information and usage, check out cord-proj/cord.

The Message crate defines the message envelope and codec for transmitting messages over the wire. It also provides a regex-like pattern matching module for comparing message namespaces.


What is Cord?

Cord is a data streaming platform for composing, aggregating and distributing arbitrary streams. To learn more about the project, check out cord-proj/cord.

Why not use an off-the-shelf regex library?

Regex libraries will always provide more functionality for matching strings than this library can. However what they cannot do is compare two regex patterns and determine whether one encapsulates another, which is crucial to how publishers and subscribers interact.


~120K SLoC