#collection #generic #traits #list #variant #set #map

no-std collections2

Traits for generic collections, such as lists, maps and sets (supports no_std)

1 unstable release

0.0.1 Oct 4, 2022

#281 in #variant

Apache-2.0 OR MIT

517 lines


Because collections is a reserved name on crates.io ✨

A crate for generic collections, such as Map, Set, and List, including mutable variants. Includes an Iterable and IterableMut trait for generic iterators.

Supports no_std, just add default-features = false to your cargo dependency. Supports opt-in alloc with the alloc feature.

Requires Rust 1.65+ due to usage of generic associated types (GATs).


This project is licensed under either of

at your option.

No runtime deps
