#command-line-tool #codingame #show #playing #puzzle #style #clash-of-code

bin+lib coctus

Command line tool for playing CodinGame puzzles and Clash of Code

1 unstable release

0.2.0 Apr 26, 2024

#828 in Command line utilities

Download history 71/week @ 2024-04-21 32/week @ 2024-04-28

103 downloads per month


2.5K SLoC


Command line tool that allows you to play Clash of Code style problems locally on your computer.


These commands should be enough to get you started:

# Download a couple of clashes by id (last part of the URL on the contribution page)
coctus fetch 52980368bdbd05abdd789a04173b57b0fdea 682102420fbce0fce95e0ee56095ea2b9924

# View information such as the id of the current problem and the directory where clashes are being stored
coctus status

# Move on to next (random) problem
coctus next

# Show the current problem
coctus show

# Select a specific problem
coctus next 52980368bdbd05abdd789a04173b57b0fdea

# Show a specific problem
coctus show 52980368bdbd05abdd789a04173b57b0fdea

# Run Python script "sol.py" against the tests of the current problem
coctus run --command "python3 sol.py"

# Compile a C program "sol.c" and run it against the tests of the current problem
coctus run --build-command "gcc -o sol sol.c" --command "./sol"

Use coctus help and coctus <SUBCOMMAND> --help to show all available options.

Auto-refreshing using entr or nodemon

We recommend using a program such as entr or nodemon to refresh the statement when the current clash changes and/or automatically run tests when a file is saved. Combining coctus with one of these tools allows you to never need to leave your text editor while clashing.

Example 1: Automatically show the new problem when it changes:

This example uses entr (or nodemon) to detect changes to the file that keeps track of the current clash and run the command coctus show. The -c flag to entr clears the terminal before running the command. Press Ctrl-c to stop.

# Option 1: using entr (Linux only)
ls ~/.local/share/coctus/current | entr -c coctus show

# Option 2: using nodemon (PowerShell on Windows only)
nodemon --watch "$env:APPDATA\CoCtus\coctus\data\current" --exec coctus show

Example 2: Automatically run code when a file is saved

This example uses entr (or nodemon) to watch over .py files in the current directory and run python3 sol.py when any of them are saved to disk. The --auto-advance flag automatically does the equivalent of coctus next when you pass all the test cases. Press Ctrl-c to stop.

# Option 1: using entr (Linux only)
ls *.py | entr coctus run --auto-advance --command "python3 sol.py"

# Option 2: using nodemon (works on both Linux and Windows)
nodemon --ext py --exec coctus -- run --auto-advance --command "python3 sol.py"

Disabling color output

You may disable colors by setting the NO_COLOR environment variable to any non-empty value:

$ NO_COLOR=1 coctus show


The program has only been tested on Linux and Windows. Other platforms may or may not work!

(Option 1) Download executable

Download the latest binary from releases and extract it somewhere on your $PATH.

(Option 2) Build from source:

Building from source requires a relatively recent (1.73+ should work) version of the Rust toolchain.

$ git clone https://github.com/Andriamanitra/coctus
$ cargo install --path=.


~419K SLoC