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#116 in Machine learning

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An unofficial Rust client for the Anthropic/Claude API.


Run the following Cargo command in your project directory:

cargo add clust

or add the following line to your Cargo.toml:

clust = "0.8.0"

Supported APIs

Feature flags

  • macros: Enable the clust::attributse::clust_tool attribute macro for generating clust::messages::Tool or clust::messages::AsyncTool from a Rust function.


API key and client

First you need to create a new API client: clust::Client with your Anthropic API key from environment variable: " ANTHROPIC_API_KEY"

use clust::Client;

let client = Client::from_env().unwrap();

or specify the API key directly:

use clust::Client;
use clust::ApiKey;

let client = Client::from_api_key(ApiKey::new("your-api-key"));

If you want to customize the client, you can use builder pattern by clust::ClientBuilder:

use clust::ClientBuilder;
use clust::ApiKey;
use clust::Version;

let client = ClientBuilder::new(ApiKey::new("your-api-key"))

Models and max tokens

You can specify the model by clust::messages::ClaudeModel.

use clust::messages::ClaudeModel;
use clust::messages::MessagesRequestBody;

let model = ClaudeModel::Claude3Sonnet20240229;

let request_body = MessagesRequestBody {
    ..Default::default ()

Because max number of tokens of text generation: clust::messages::MaxTokens depends on the model, you need to create clust::messages::MaxTokens with the model.

use clust::messages::ClaudeModel;
use clust::messages::MaxTokens;
use clust::messages::MessagesRequestBody;

let model = ClaudeModel::Claude3Sonnet20240229;
let max_tokens = MaxTokens::new(1024, model).unwrap();

let request_body = MessagesRequestBody {
    ..Default::default ()


You can specify the system prompt by clust::messages::SystemPrompt and there is no "system" role in the message.

use clust::messages::SystemPrompt;
use clust::messages::MessagesRequestBody;

let system_prompt = SystemPrompt::new("You are an excellent AI assistant.");

let request_body = MessagesRequestBody {
    system: Some(system_prompt),
    ..Default::default ()

Messages and contents

Build messages by a vector of clust::messages::Message:

use clust::messages::Role;
use clust::messages::Content;

/// The message.
pub struct Message {
    /// The role of the message.
    pub role: Role,
    /// The content of the message.
    pub content: Content,

You can create each role message as follows:

use clust::messages::Message;

let message = Message::user("Hello, Claude!");
let message = Message::assistant("Hello, user!");

and a content: clust::messages::Content.

use clust::messages::ContentBlock;

/// The content of the message.
pub enum Content {
    /// The single text content.
    /// The multiple content blocks.

Multiple blocks is a vector of content block: clust::messages::ContentBlock:

use clust::messages::TextContentBlock;
use clust::messages::ImageContentBlock;

/// The content block of the message.
pub enum ContentBlock {
    /// The text content block.
    /// The image content block.

You can create a content as follows:

use clust::messages::Content;
use clust::messages::ContentBlock;
use clust::messages::TextContentBlock;
use clust::messages::ImageContentBlock;
use clust::messages::ImageContentSource;
use clust::messages::ImageMediaType;

// Single text content
let content = Content::SingleText("Hello, Claude!".to_string());
// or use `From` trait
let content = Content::from("Hello, Claude!");

// Multiple content blocks
let content = Content::MultipleBlocks(vec![
    ContentBlock::Text(TextContentBlock::new("Hello, Claude!")),
        "Base64 encoded image data",
// or use `From` trait for `String` or `ImageContentSource`
let content = Content::from(vec![
    ContentBlock::from("Hello, Claude!"),
        "Base64 encoded image data",

Request body

The request body is defined by clust::messages::MessagesRequestBody.

See also MessagesRequestBody for other options.

use clust::messages::MessagesRequestBody;
use clust::messages::ClaudeModel;
use clust::messages::Message;
use clust::messages::MaxTokens;
use clust::messages::SystemPrompt;

let request_body = MessagesRequestBody {
    model: ClaudeModel::Claude3Sonnet20240229,
    messages: vec![Message::user("Hello, Claude!")],
    max_tokens: MaxTokens::new(1024, ClaudeModel::Claude3Sonnet20240229).unwrap(),
    system: Some(SystemPrompt::new("You are an excellent AI assistant.")),
    ..Default::default ()

You can also use the builder pattern with clust::messages::MessagesRequestBuilder:

use clust::messages::MessagesRequestBuilder;
use clust::messages::ClaudeModel;
use clust::messages::Message;
use clust::messages::SystemPrompt;

let request_body = MessagesRequestBuilder::new_with_max_tokens(
.messages(vec![Message::user("Hello, Claude!")])
.system(SystemPrompt::new("You are an excellent AI assistant."))

API calling

Call the API by clust::Client::create_a_message with the request body.

use clust::Client;
use clust::messages::MessagesRequestBody;

async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let client = Client::from_env()?;
    let request_body = MessagesRequestBody::default();

    // Call the async API.
    let response = client

    // You can extract the text content from `clust::messages::MessagesResponseBody.content.flatten_into_text()`.
    println!("Content: {}", response.content.flatten_into_text()?);



When you want to stream the response incrementally, you can use clust::Client::create_a_message_stream with the stream option: StreamOption::ReturnStream.

use clust::Client;
use clust::messages::MessagesRequestBody;
use clust::messages::StreamOption;

use tokio_stream::StreamExt;

async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let client = Client::from_env()?;
    let request_body = MessagesRequestBody {
        stream: Some(StreamOption::ReturnStream),

    // Call the async API and get the stream.
    let mut stream = client

    // Poll the stream.
    while let Some(chunk) = stream.next().await {
         // Handle the chunk.


Function calling


Function calling is not formally supported as the official guide.

  1. Define a tool (or tools) by clust::messages::ToolDescription.
  2. Embed tool description(s) in your system prompt.
  3. Call the API with tools.
  4. Extract the XML of the function calls by clust::messages::FunctionCalls from the response.
  5. Call the function with clust::messages::FunctionCalls and get the result as clust::messages::FunctionResults.
  6. Embed the function results in message as a user message.
  7. Call the API again with the function results.
  8. Continue the conversation.

Structures for function calling are (de)serialized as XML string.

  • clust::messages::ToolDescription
  • clust::messages::FunctionCalls
  • clust::messages::FunctionResults
  • clust::messages::ToolList
  • etc...

This crate provides two methods to define function calling:

  1. Add the clust::attributes::clust_tool attribute macro to your Rust function and use generated clust::messages::Tool or clust::messages::AsyncTool with the macros feature flag.
  2. Manually create clust::messages::ToolDescription.

How to define and call a tool by the attribute macro

Let's see how to define and call a tool by the attribute macro.

By adding #[clust_tool] to your function with documentation for function description and arguments (parameters), a structure ClustTool_{function_name} that implements a trait: clust::messages::Tool or clust::messages::AsyncTool is automatically generated by macro.

You can get clust::messages::ToolDescription by ClustTool_{function_name}.description() and call the function by ClustTool_{function_name}.call() method with clust::messages::FunctionCalls generated by the assistant.

use clust::attributes::clust_tool;
use clust::messages::Tool;
use clust::messages::FunctionCalls;
use clust::messages::Invoke;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;

// Define a tool by attribute macro for your function.
// NOTE: Documentation for description and arguments is required.
/// Gets the current stock price for a company. Returns float: The current stock price. Raises ValueError: if the input symbol is invalid/unknown.
/// ## Arguments
/// - `symbol` - The stock symbol of the company to get the price for.
fn get_current_stock_price(symbol: String) -> f64 {
    // Call the API to get the current stock price.
    38.50 // NOTE: This is a dummy value.

// Create a tool instance of generated struct.
let tool = ClustTool_get_current_stock_price {};

// Get the tool description.
let tool_description = tool.description();

// ToolDescription is displayed as XML string.
// e.g.
// <tool_description>
//   <tool_name>get_current_stock_price</tool_name>
//   <description>Gets the current stock price for a company. Returns float: The current stock price. Raises ValueError: if the input symbol is invalid/unknown.</description>
//   <parameters>
//     <parameter>
//       <name>symbol</name>
//       <type>String</type>
//       <description>The stock symbol of the company to get the price for.</description>
//     </parameter>
//   </parameters>
// </tool_description>
let prompt = format!("Your system prompt. {}", tool_description);

// NOTE: Actually you can get the function calls from the response.
// MessagesResponseBody.content.extract_function_calls().unwrap();
// e.g.
// <function_calls>
//   <invoke>
//     <tool_name>get_current_stock_price</tool_name>
//     <parameters>
//       <symbol>GM</symbol>
//     </parameters>
//   </invoke>
// </function_calls>
let function_calls = FunctionCalls {
    invoke: Invoke {
        tool_name: "get_current_stock_price".to_string(),
        parameters: BTreeMap::from_iter(vec![(

// Call the function and get the function results.
// e.g.
// <function_results>
//   <result>
//     <tool_name>get_current_stock_price</tool_name>
//     <stdout>38.50</stdout>
//   </result>
// </function_results>
let function_results = tool.call(function_calls).unwrap();

When you have some tools, you can create a tool list by clust::messages::ToolList, embed the tool list in your system prompt and call the function with clust::messages::FunctionCalls via tool list.

For more details, see a function calling example.


Create a message

An example of creating a message with the API key loaded from the environment variable: ANTHROPIC_API_KEY


is as follows:

use clust::messages::ClaudeModel;
use clust::messages::MaxTokens;
use clust::messages::Message;
use clust::messages::MessagesRequestBody;
use clust::messages::SystemPrompt;
use clust::Client;

async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    // 1. Create a new API client with the API key loaded from the environment variable: `ANTHROPIC_API_KEY`.
    let client = Client::from_env()?;

    // 2. Create a request body.
    let model = ClaudeModel::Claude3Sonnet20240229;
    let messages = vec![Message::user(
        "Where is the capital of France?",
    let max_tokens = MaxTokens::new(1024, model)?;
    let system_prompt = SystemPrompt::new("You are an excellent AI assistant.");
    let request_body = MessagesRequestBody {
        system: Some(system_prompt),

    // 3. Call the API.
    let response = client

    println!("Result:\n{}", response);


Streaming messages with tokio backend

An example of creating a message stream with the API key loaded from the environment variable: ANTHROPIC_API_KEY


with tokio-stream is as follows:

use clust::messages::ClaudeModel;
use clust::messages::MaxTokens;
use clust::messages::Message;
use clust::messages::MessagesRequestBody;
use clust::messages::SystemPrompt;
use clust::messages::StreamOption;
use clust::messages::StreamChunk;
use clust::Client;

use tokio_stream::StreamExt;

async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    // 1. Create a new API client with the API key loaded from the environment variable: `ANTHROPIC_API_KEY`.
    let client = Client::from_env()?;

    // 2. Create a request body with `stream` option.
    let model = ClaudeModel::Claude3Sonnet20240229;
    let messages = vec![Message::user(
        "Where is the capital of France?",
    let max_tokens = MaxTokens::new(1024, model)?;
    let system_prompt = SystemPrompt::new("You are an excellent AI assistant.");
    let request_body = MessagesRequestBody {
        system: Some(system_prompt),
        stream: Some(StreamOption::ReturnStream),

    // 3. Call the streaming API.
    let mut stream = client

    let mut buffer = String::new();

    // 4. Poll the stream.
    // NOTE: The `tokio_stream::StreamExt` run on the `tokio` runtime.
    while let Some(chunk) = stream.next().await {
        match chunk {
            | Ok(chunk) => {
                println!("Chunk:\n{}", chunk);
                match chunk {
                    | StreamChunk::ContentBlockDelta(content_block_delta) => {
                        // Buffer message delta.
                    | _ => {}
            | Err(error) => {
                eprintln!("Chunk error:\n{:?}", error);

    println!("Result:\n{}", buffer);


Create a message with vision

See an example with vision.


See a conversation example.

Function calling

See a function calling example.

Other examples

See also the examples directory for more examples.




Licensed under either of the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license at your option.


~282K SLoC