#manpage #markdown #pandoc #write #executable #documentation #document


Helper functions for installing manpages alongside a command-line tool

11 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.2.7 Jul 19, 2020
0.2.6 Nov 9, 2019
0.2.5 Oct 25, 2019
0.2.4 Jun 10, 2019
0.1.2 Jan 15, 2018

#14 in #pandoc

47 downloads per month
Used in 2 crates

Custom license

120 lines


Documentation here, example use here.

I recommend writing manpages using pandoc. You can write a markdown document and generate a manpage using

 $ pandoc EXECUTABLE.md -s -t man -o man/executable.1

For an example of how to write a manpage using markdown, see here.


~59K SLoC