#file-manager #cli #ever #path

app cfm

The last file manager you'll ever need

1 unstable release

0.1.1 Mar 21, 2021

#1425 in Filesystem


81 lines



There are many non-GUI file managers. Unfortunately, they are all TUIs which means that they miss out on many of the benefits of CLIs: efficiency, scriptability, and speed. Although I've never seen it online, this really comes down to the CLI vs TUI debate.

cfm aims to make file management using a CLI more efficient than it was previously possible with the coreutils and other CLI tools. It works by being a wrapper, around any already existing command, that expands file paths using some predefined rules.

cfm is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3.

Copyright © 2021 Nils André


~101K SLoC