1 stable release

1.15.0 Jan 22, 2023

#3 in #cbe

Used in 4 crates


26K SLoC

Cartallum CBE

Cartallum CBE SDK

Use the Cartallum CBE SDK Crate to write client side applications in Rust. If writing on-chain programs, use the Cartallum CBE Program Crate instead.

More information about Cartallum CBE is available in the Cartallum CBE documentation.

The Cartallum CBE Program Library provides examples of how to use this crate.

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The Cartallum CBE host and client SDK.

This is the base library for all off-chain programs that interact with Cartallum CBE or otherwise operate on Cartallum CBE data structures. On-chain programs instead use the cbe-program crate, the modules of which are re-exported by this crate, like the relationship between the Rust core and std crates. As much of the functionality of this crate is provided by cbe-program, see that crate's documentation for an overview.

Many of the modules in this crate are primarily of use to the Cartallum CBE runtime itself. Additional crates provide capabilities built on cbe-sdk, and many programs will need to link to those crates as well, particularly for clients communicating with Cartallum CBE nodes over RPC.

Such crates include:

  • cbe-client - For interacting with a Cartallum CBE node via the JSON-RPC API.
  • cbe-cli-config - Loading and saving the Cartallum CBE CLI configuration file.
  • cbe-clap-utils - Routines for setting up the CLI using clap, as used by the Cartallum CBE CLI. Includes functions for loading all types of signers supported by the CLI.


~395K SLoC