#dag #node #strip #command-line #applications #verify

app buzzec-strip-dag-node

This command line application strips nodes from a given DAG

1 stable release

1.0.0 May 22, 2021

#12 in #strip


396 lines


This command line application strips nodes from a given DAG. The dag is given in the format of [x-y],* where x and y are any utf-8 strings without whitespace, -, or ,.

If no strip flag is added then the command will remove duplicate edges, verify the DAG, and alphabetize.

Strip behavior

When a node is removed, all it's children are added to all it's parents.

Help output:

buzzec-strip-dag-node 0.1.0
Strips out a dag node. Defaults to stdin, use --in to input a command line argument. If skip and no-verify are not
present will verify and format the given DAG.

    buzzec-strip-dag-node [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help         Prints help information
        --no-verify    Disables verification. No guarantees on the output if given a bad DST
    -V, --version      Prints version information

    -i, --in <in>             Optional argument for evaluating from a command line argument rather than stdin
    -s, --strip <strip>...    Strips a given node from the DAG. If the node is not present the DAG will not change


Install with:

cargo install buzzec-strip-dag-node

To update use:

cargo install buzzec-strip-dag-node --force


buzzec-strip-dag-node --in a-b,b-c,c-d --strip c
> a-b,b-d


~56K SLoC