#soroban #wasm #no-std #wasm-client

no-std blend-contract-sdk

Traits, clients, types, and WASMs for the Blend Protocol for use in Soroban contract development

2 releases (1 stable)

1.0.0 May 1, 2024
0.1.0 Apr 9, 2024

#1987 in Magic Beans

Download history 129/week @ 2024-04-07 5/week @ 2024-04-14 127/week @ 2024-04-28 5/week @ 2024-05-05 7/week @ 2024-05-19

139 downloads per month

MIT license

149 lines

Blend Contract SDK

This repository contains interfaces, clients, and WASM blobs for the Blend Protocol as implemented in the Blend Contracts repository.


To learn more about the Blend Protocol, visit the the docs:


The Blend Contract SDK generates modules from the contractimport Soroban SDK macro. Each module exposes a Client, WASM, and the respective types needed to interact with the Blend Protocol. The following Blend contracts are exposed as a module:

  • backstop - Contract import for the backstop contract
  • emitter- Contract import for the emitter contract
  • pool - Contract import for the pool contract
  • pool_factory - Contract import for the pool factory contract

Testing (testutils)

External Dependencies

The Blend Contract SDK includes contractimport's of the Comet Contracts when compiled for test purposes via the testutils feature.

This includes:

  • comet - Contract import for the comet pool contract
  • comet_factory - Contract import for the comet pool factory contract

NOTE: These contracts were used for testing the Blend Protocol and should not be considered to be the latest version of the Comet Protocol. Please verify any non-test usage of the Comet contracts against the Comet GitHub.


The testutils module allows for easy deployment of Blend Contracts to be used in a unit test. The following example shows how to use the testutils to deploy a set of Blend Contracts and set up a pool.

If you require using the pool, please look at the following sep-41-oracle crate to deploy a mock oracle contract:

use soroban_sdk::{symbol_short, testutils::{Address as _, BytesN as _}, Address, BytesN, Env};

use blend_contract_sdk::{pool, testutils::{default_reserve_config, BlendFixture}};

let env = Env::default();
let deployer = Address::generate(&env);
let blnd = env.register_stellar_asset_contract(deployer.clone());
let usdc = env.register_stellar_asset_contract(deployer.clone());
let blend = BlendFixture::deploy(&env, &deployer, &blnd, &usdc);

let token = env.register_stellar_asset_contract(deployer.clone());
let pool = blend.pool_factory.mock_all_auths().deploy(
    &0_1000000, // 10%
    &4, // 4 max positions
let pool_client = pool::Client::new(&env, &pool);
let reserve_config = default_reserve_config();
pool_client.mock_all_auths().queue_set_reserve(&token, &reserve_config);

blend.backstop.mock_all_auths().deposit(&deployer, &pool, &50_000_0000000);
pool_client.mock_all_auths().set_status(&3); // remove pool from setup status
pool_client.mock_all_auths().update_status(); // update status based on backstop

WASM Verification

The WASM files included will align with the GitHub release the SDK was published with (the version numbers will match).

The WASMs are generated with the Stellar Expert WASM Release Action

The SHA256 Checksums:

  • backstop - 62f61b32fff99f7eec052a8e573c367759f161c481a5caf0e76a10ae4617c3b4
  • emitter - 438a5528cff17ede6fe515f095c43c5f15727af17d006971485e52462e7e7b89
  • pool_factory - 0287f4ad7350935b83d94e046c0bcabc960b233dbce1531008c021b71d406a1d
  • pool - baf978f10efdbcd85747868bef8832845ea6809f7643b67a4ac0cd669327fc2c


~334K SLoC