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#103 in Parser tooling

Used in bitstream_reader_derive


1.5K SLoC

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Tools for reading data types of arbitrary bit length and might not be byte-aligned in the source data

The main way of handling with the binary data is to first create a BitBuffer ,wrap it into a BitStream and then read from the stream.

If performance is critical, working directly on the BitBuffer can be faster.

Once you have a BitStream, there are 2 different approaches of reading data

  • read primitives, Strings and byte arrays, using read_bool, read_int, read_float, read_byes and read_string
  • read any type implementing the BitRead or BitReadSized traits using read and read_sized
    • BitRead is for types that can be read without requiring any size info (e.g. null-terminated strings, floats, whole integers, etc)
    • BitReadSized is for types that require external sizing information to be read (fixed length strings, arbitrary length integers

The BitRead and BitReadSized traits can be used with #[derive] if all fields implement BitRead or BitReadSized.


use bitstream_reader::{BitBuffer, LittleEndian, BitStream, BitRead};

struct ComplexType {
    first: u8,
    #[size = 15]
    second: u16,
    third: bool,

fn main() {
    let bytes = vec![
        0b1011_0101, 0b0110_1010, 0b1010_1100, 0b1001_1001,
        0b1001_1001, 0b1001_1001, 0b1001_1001, 0b1110_0111
    let buffer = BitBuffer::new(bytes, LittleEndian);
    let mut stream = BitStream::new(buffer);
    let value: u8 = stream.read_int(7)?;
    let complex: ComplexType = stream.read()?;


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~41K SLoC