#chess #go #board-game #bitboard

deprecated nightly bin+lib bitboard

Reasonably quick, arbitrary-sized square bitboards

3 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.2 Jan 16, 2020
0.1.1 Dec 28, 2017
0.1.0 Dec 27, 2017

#51 in #board-game

50 downloads per month
Used in hazel

MIT license

1.5K SLoC


Bitboards in Rust.

Build Status Coverage Status crates.io Maintenance Status


This repo is considered deprecated. You should not use it. It may still work, and may be useful to others interested in the approach, but I don't intend to continue using this version of the repo. I may release another library under this name in the future, but probably not.


Bitboard, compile-time-sized, typesafe, low level bitboards for Rust.

