bio-types is used at run time in 114 crates (of which 1 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 15 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 6 crates.

Number of dependers bio-types version Downloads/month
116 1.0.1 6.4K
4 0.12.1 650
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) bio-types version
6.9K 83 bio >=1.0.0
3.2K 43 rust-htslib >=0.9
1.8K stats_on_gff3_ncbi ^1.0.0
410 varlociraptor >=0.12
320 stats_on_gff3 ^1.0.0
300 alevin-fry ^1.0.1
rustybam ^1.0
oarfish ^1.0.1
2 bio_edit ^0.12
rust-bio-tools >=0.5.1
lorikeet-rs ^0.5
maelstrom-core ^0.13
mudskipper ^0.12.1
3 libradicl ^1.0.1
lorikeet-genome ^1.0