8 releases

0.1.7 Jan 5, 2024
0.1.6 Mar 10, 2023
0.1.5 Feb 12, 2023

#254 in Operating systems

MIT/Apache and GPL-3.0-only

298 lines

Crates.io Workflow Status


Download and swap binaries from GitHub


binswap uses the same infrastructure as cargo-binstall to determine where the latest binaries are stored. binswap-github is the backend to do this for GitHub specifically. It uses the GitHub releases to download binaries for a supported target, and then downloads them to a specified location, or optionally swaps them with the currently executed binary.

This is particularly useful if you distribute binaries outside of package managers or in environments where the users are not expected to have Rust nor installed. With crate, you can bundle the updating mechanism into the distributed binary.


The following example downloads the latest release ripgrep from GitHub, and swaps it with the currently executed binary. .dry_run(true) is added here to simulate the execution, but not perform the update.

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {


The following does the same, but just writes the resulting binary to a new file.

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {



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