#liquidity #astroport #provision #cosmwasm #osmosis

bin+lib astroport-liquidity-helper

A contract to provide unbalanced liquidity to Astroport pools

6 releases

0.3.2 Feb 6, 2024
0.3.0 Nov 3, 2023
0.2.3 Nov 3, 2023
0.2.3-rc.1 Oct 31, 2023
0.2.0 Aug 18, 2023

#5 in #provision

21 downloads per month
Used in locked-astroport-vault-te…

MPL-2.0 license

700 lines

Astroport Liquidity Helper

This contract helps provide liquidity for Astroport pools and supports supplying liquidity with imbalanced assets. If the assets provided are not in the correct ratio, the contract will swap some of the assets so that the ratio of assets are the same as the pools reserves after the swap.


Astroport Liquidity Helper

This contract helps provide liquidity for Astroport pools and supports supplying liquidity with imbalanced assets. If the assets provided are not in the correct ratio, the contract will swap some of the assets so that the ratio of assets are the same as the pools reserves after the swap.


~220K SLoC