#alice #data #physics #lhc #cern

deprecated sys alice-sys

Deprecated Rust bindings for ROOT used to analyze the public ALICE open-data

2 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.1 Feb 22, 2018
0.1.0 Feb 19, 2018

#6 in #lhc

Used in malice

MPL-2.0 license

166 lines

alice-sys (deprecated)

Analysis of the ALICE ope-data can now be down in pure Rust! Check out alice-rs.

This crate contains the bindgen generated bindings to a c++ object which reads the data from disk.

The c++ class is automatically generated by ROOT's TTree::MakeClass function specifically for the Event-Summary-Data (ESD) data format at hand. I disabled the majority of the unneeded columns (branches) in the c++ files. I would love to be able to enable/disable branches from the Rust side. I am toying with the idea of having some sort of a macro which enables specific branches and then implements a trait to access them. Alternatively, it would be awesome to actually do the IO in pure rust using nom, but that seems far away at this point.

The compilation of this crate requires a ROOT 6 installation.


~483K SLoC