5 releases

0.2.0 Mar 26, 2021
0.2.0-alpha.2 Mar 15, 2021
0.2.0-alpha.1 Mar 8, 2021
0.1.1 Nov 4, 2020
0.1.0 Nov 2, 2020

#1008 in Asynchronous




This crate provides implementations for actix-storage based on sled database.

Please refer to actix-storage crate documentations for full details about usage and use cases.

There are 2 different implementers available in this crate


SledStore is a simple store without expiration functionality.


SledActor is a full expiry_store implementation available under actor feature.

Implementation details

SledActor is a SyncActor running in a thread-pool by actix which uses delay-queue crate internally in a thread for expiration notifications.

It is possible to specify the number of instances being used in thread-pool.

// You'll need to have the provided sled trait extension in scope
use actix_storage_sled::{actor::ToActorExt, SledConfig};

// Refer to sled's documentation for more options
let sled_db = SledConfig::default().temporary(true);

// Open the database and make an actor(not started yet)
let actor = sled_db.to_actor()?;

let store = actor
            // If you want to scan the database on start for expiration
            // If you want the expiration thread to perform deletion instead of soft deleting items
            // Finally start the actor

Important note

SledActor stores the expiration flags in the same place as the data, it is not yet possible to store these flags in a different subtree. For this very reason there are 3 public methods provided by this crate if you want to access the data outside this crate's scope, or mutate them, the expiry flags struct is also public.

actix_storage_sled::actor::encode To encode the data with expiration flags.

actix_storage_sled::actor::decode To decode the data with expiration flags.

actix_storage_sled::actor::decode_mut Same as decode but mutable.

actix_storage_sled::actor::ExpiryFlags The expiry flags


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