actix-server is used at run time in 923 crates (of which 127 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 17 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 101 crates (of which 6 directly).

Number of dependers actix-server version Downloads/month
720 2.3.0 813K
242 1.0.4 31K
3 0.7.0 140
57 0.6.1 9.3K
1 0.5.1 2.3K
1 0.4.3 550
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) actix-server version
882K 957 actix-web ^2
120K 169 actix-files optional ^2.2
25K 9 actix-http-test ^2
16K 4 actix-testing ^1.0.0
600 ya-sb-router ^2
330 zero4rs ^2.3.0
110 dbui ^0.7.0
actix-test-server ^0.5.0
bayard-rest ^1.0
katwebx >=0.6.0
rues ^1
rustimate ^0.7.0
gsync ^1.0.4
endless-web ^1.0.0
solitaire ^0.7.0
1 puzz-server optional ^2
1 tina-core optional ^2.2.0
880K 145 actix-http dev ^2
204K 14 actix-tls dev ^2
440 acme-rfc8555 dev ^2
actix-mqtt dev ^1.0.0
1 pi_awc dev ^2
actix-framed dev ^1.0.0